Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Charles Crown (crownecomngment) on Twitter

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Potential applications of renewable energy sources

In a world where almost everything is run by machines it not surprising that we are also running out of energy sources what worsens the case is that the energy sources that we use are destroying the world we are living in.  Another dilemma people are now facing is these energy sources are bound to vanish years from now.

The potential of renewable sources is massive as they are expected to meet world’s energy demand.   Renewable energy sources are biomass, hydropower, geothermal, solar, wind and marine energies they can provide sustainable energy services, based on the use of routinely available, indigenous resources.  The renewable resources such as biomass, wind, solar, hydropower, and geothermal can provide sustainable energy services, based on the use of routinely available, indigenous resources are attractive renewable fuel in utility boilers.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Crown Capital Eco Management-Biomass Boiler Addresses Alaskans - GETSATISFACTION

Alaska, heavily forested, built on rock and surrounded by water, every commodity that enters the country arrives by air and sea. The use of oil is a struggle for both the economy and the environment. Oil must come from elsewhere and be transported but of course by additional fuel, fuel that is subject to oil price stability. 

A site that could help giving a solution to the problem is the Southeast Alaska Discovery Center in Ketchikan. The site that provides information to more than a million visitors each year is also the site where a pilot biomass system is now coming to life. A two oil-fired boilers serving the 250,000-sq-ft center were replaced with a highly efficient system fueled by local wood was manufactured by Hurst Boiler & welding Company Inc.Another good thing about the project is that the hot-water boiler was custom-designed to fit within very limited indoor space. 

To address concerns towards issues related to building space, fuel costs, comfort, reliability, simplicity of operation more especially environmental concerns, the biomass boiler system was developed by Hurst representative Gregory W. Smith of Global Energy Solutions Inc. under the direction of E. Dane Ash, project manager for Tyonek-Alcan Pacific LLC. 

The excessive use of fossil fuels has been long a problem in any point of the world more especially to Alaska, the boiler system was intended to highlight how biomass can reduce or eliminate the use of fossil fuels. The Hurst S100 Series Fire Tube 27 HP Hydronic Water Heating Boiler features a pre-heater to optimize combustion and an underfeed stoker with dry-ash-removal system. The new boiler requires heating for a minimum of nine months a year; it is located at lower level of the Discovery Center. To protect form extreme moisture the local wood densified into fuel pucks is delivered to an elevated walking-floor storage bin in a vestibule area that is designed especially for the woods. It is important to protect the woods because the biomass-fired boiler can burn any wood product with up to 50-percent moisture content. Not to worry, freezing is not an issue because the walking floor easily breaks up any frozen contents. 

Many benefits come along with the use of this biomass boiler, the country saved as much as two-thirds of the fuel costs. There is almost no residual ash when densified pucks are used. But, tree clippings from the Ketchikan walking trails will be ground and fed into the boiler, eliminating the need for transport to a landfill, burning, and other methods of disposal. The system easily can be replicated for heat or heat/power generation up to 20,000 kw. 

Systems that were improved by the new technology include municipal solid waste, as well as woody biomass for steam production and steam to power. In June 2011, Smith was a keynote speaker for the fifth annual Native American Economic Development Conference in Anaheim, California, he proudly flaunted the initiatives being implemented in Ketchikan and shared success stories of biomass-fired boiler systems installed on institutional campuses and in manufacturing facilities throughout the United States, particularly in challenging and remote locations


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Internet Marketing & SEO Forum - Crown Capital Eco Website Discussion: Potential applications of renewable energy sources

In a world where almost everything is run by machines it not surprising that we are also running out of energy sources what worsens the case is that the energy sources that we use are destroying the world we are living in. Another dilemma people are now facing is these energy sources are bound to vanish years from now.

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WebCosmoForums - BIOMASS AS a fuel for BOILERs : BIOMASS AS a fuel for BOILERs

BIOMASS AS a fuel for BOILERs - Crown Capital Eco Management Indonesia

Biomass for energy often mean plant base material although can equally apply to both animal and vegetable draw from material. Biomass is actually a biological material derive form living or recently living organisms. Biomass chemical composition is carbon based and is composed of a mixture of organic molecules containing hydrogen, usually including atoms of oxygen, often nitrogen and also small quantities of other atoms, including alkali, alkaline earth and heavy metals, metals are often found in functional molecules such as the porphyrins which include chlorophyll which contains magnesium.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Crown Capital Eco Management Indonesia Fraud - Posterous

BlogSpot - Crown Capital Eco Management Indonesia Fraud

Crown Capital Eco Management works with government bodies, international entities, private sectors and other non-governmental organizations in providing extensive information to the public, media and policymakers that are involved in addressing environmental issues and sustainable initiatives in a worldwide scale. Though our group does not personally conduct research, we analyze and review both recent and old data on technical and socio-economic sectors that are relevant to our field, which is environment preservation. 
We are composed of volunteer professionals in the scientific sector, supported by various agencies around the world. Our group is an independent organization supporting programs involving climate change, biodiversity, organic pollutants and greenhouse gases, to name a few.

FriendFeed - List - Crown Capital Eco Management Indonesia Fraud

With emerging renewable energy alternatives today, it is highly important that they be given enough attention even early on their developmental stages. Such technologies might not be ready for commercial uses yet but their potential should be amply tested and funded. Society's modern lifestyle is in serious need of energy that can be generated and consumed and yet, not compromise the future state for generations to come; to have no anxiety that it would cause damage to the environment.

Crown Eco Management Malaysia, cries for help - BlogSpot

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Crown Capital Eco Management Indonesia Fraud - Wellsphere : Crown Eco Management Malaysia, cries for help

-Another Beautiful City Mankind Starts to Destroy

Truly Asia, Malaysia lives up to its slogan. Truly a remarkable paradise this country was and

still rising, Malaysia has become one of the world’s favorite for travel enthusiasts.

and rainforests, mountains and minarets, skycrapers and sampans; are only few to more fun

Malaysia can offer.

If you are a city tripper or a nature lover, Malaysia is a great option for travelers. Considered

as one of the ‘Asian tiger’, Malaysia paved its way to becoming one of the travelling capital

by offering two countries for the price of one. Peninsular Malaysia, bordering Thailand at the

southern end of the Malay peninsula, and East Malaysia, the northern half of the island of

Borneo, which pushes up against Indonesia and Brunei.

Malaysia enjoyed remarkable growth over the last few decades, with industrialization,

agriculture and tourism playing leading roles in this success story. Tigers may be fierce but

when nature calls, no one can escape her. A tropical natural bounty like Malaysia, can she

keep her treasures when the one who truly owns this treasure steel it from her? And worse,

what if her people are the ones who are destroying her; could she escape it or will face her


Despite a relatively positive environmental record, Malaysia faces problems of deforestation,

pollution of inland and marine waters, soil and coastal erosion, overfishing and coral reef

destruction, along with air pollution, water pollution and the problem of waste disposal.

Problems that in fact can be avoided, problems that mankind created.

Malaysia hold tropical rainforest, as well as peat swamp forests, both are now threatened by

no other than human activities. Oil palm plantations, logging and mining, forests fires and

tourism are the major causes of deforestations. It terrorizes animals causing massive deaths

that increase the number of endangered species, such as orangutan, which lives only on the

islands of Borneo and Sumatra.

Deforestation is just one of the problems Malaysia is facing. It is a cycle, a chain reaction, and

in effect of it–flood!

Management has been inclined to solving flood problems, little did they know that it is just

them creating their own problems. No deforestation means no flood. Just like what happened

to Lower Kinabatangan Floodplains in Sabah where flooding also intensified. In this area,

stretching along the northeastern coast of Borneo, forests have been reduced to scattered

pieces, while endangered animals such as elephants have lost their natural homes.

Just like what I have mentioned earlier, it is a chain reaction, as a result of flooding, remaining

forest is fragmented. And because of this, elephants are forced to move through plantations

and smallholdings to get from one patch to another. They prefer to use forest on dry ground,

so during floods they are also forced into agricultural land, sometimes causing considerable

damage. And as a result, mankind suffers in the end.

Pollution, another mankind’s assault to Mother Nature and another factor that causes flooding.

Malaysia was once least polluted urban environments in Asia, however, with the rapid

industrial development of recent years, and an increase in urbanization and vehicle use, air and

water pollution are of growing concern.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Crown Capital Eco Management Indonesia Fraud - Rediff Pages »

-Another Beautiful City Mankind Starts to Destroy

Truly Asia, Malaysia lives up to its slogan. Truly a remarkable paradise this country was and

still rising, Malaysia has become one of the world’s favorite for travel enthusiasts.

and rainforests, mountains and minarets, skycrapers and sampans; are only few to more fun

Malaysia can offer.

If you are a city tripper or a nature lover, Malaysia is a great option for travelers. Considered

as one of the ‘Asian tiger’, Malaysia paved its way to becoming one of the travelling capital

by offering two countries for the price of one. Peninsular Malaysia, bordering Thailand at the

southern end of the Malay peninsula, and East Malaysia, the northern half of the island of

Borneo, which pushes up against Indonesia and Brunei.

Malaysia enjoyed remarkable growth over the last few decades, with industrialization,

agriculture and tourism playing leading roles in this success story. Tigers may be fierce but

when nature calls, no one can escape her. A tropical natural bounty like Malaysia, can she

keep her treasures when the one who truly owns this treasure steel it from her? And worse,

what if her people are the ones who are destroying her; could she escape it or will face her


Despite a relatively positive environmental record, Malaysia faces problems of deforestation,

pollution of inland and marine waters, soil and coastal erosion, overfishing and coral reef

destruction, along with air pollution, water pollution and the problem of waste disposal.

Problems that in fact can be avoided, problems that mankind created.

Malaysia hold tropical rainforest, as well as peat swamp forests, both are now threatened by

no other than human activities. Oil palm plantations, logging and mining, forests fires and

tourism are the major causes of deforestations. It terrorizes animals causing massive deaths

that increase the number of endangered species, such as orangutan, which lives only on the

islands of Borneo and Sumatra.

Deforestation is just one of the problems Malaysia is facing. It is a cycle, a chain reaction, and

in effect of it–flood!

Management has been inclined to solving flood problems, little did they know that it is just

them creating their own problems. No deforestation means no flood. Just like what happened

to Lower Kinabatangan Floodplains in Sabah where flooding also intensified. In this area,

stretching along the northeastern coast of Borneo, forests have been reduced to scattered

pieces, while endangered animals such as elephants have lost their natural homes.

Just like what I have mentioned earlier, it is a chain reaction, as a result of flooding, remaining

forest is fragmented. And because of this, elephants are forced to move through plantations

and smallholdings to get from one patch to another. They prefer to use forest on dry ground,

so during floods they are also forced into agricultural land, sometimes causing considerable

damage. And as a result, mankind suffers in the end.

Pollution, another mankind’s assault to Mother Nature and another factor that causes flooding.

Malaysia was once least polluted urban environments in Asia, however, with the rapid

industrial development of recent years, and an increase in urbanization and vehicle use, air and

water pollution are of growing concern.

Best content in Crown Capital Eco Management Indonesia Fraud | Diigo - Groups

Monday, October 29, 2012

Human Thirst Makes Earth Quake - Crown Capital Eco Management Renewable Energy Scam

Human Thirst Makes Earth Quake

As we all know earthquake is a catastrophic natural disaster. Most earthquake-related deaths
are caused by the collapse of structures and the construction practices play a tremendous role
in the death toll of an earthquake. In southern Italy in 1909 more than 100,000 people perished
in an earthquake that struck the region. Almost half of the people living in the region of
Messina were killed due to the easily collapsible structures that dominated the villages of the
region. Though there are some ways to prevent this from happening, it can never be considered
as risk avoidance.

A larger earthquake that struck San Francisco three years earlier had killed fewer people (about
700) because building construction practices were different type (predominantly wood).
Survival rates in the San Francisco earthquake was about 98%, that in the Messina earthquake
was between 33% and 45%) (Zebrowski, 1997). Even a moderate rupture beneath a city with
structures unprepared for shaking can produce tens of thousands of casualties. Due to this
fact, Crown Eco Managementdetermined that safety measures for this could not be compared
to fraud prevention.

Although probably the most important that we should know, direct shaking effects are not the
only hazard associated with earthquakes, other effects such as landslides, liquefaction, and
tsunamis have also played important part in destruction produced by earthquakes.
According to the Crown researchers, some earthquakes are not natural. Human beings can
actually cause them.

That’s the case with an earthquake in Lorca, Spain, last May. The quake measured 5.1 on the
Richter scale and killed nine people. According to an analysis published in Crown Eco
Management, the Lorca quake was caused by the extraction of groundwater from an aquifer
near the fault that slipped. In circumstance, it does not take much to trigger an earthquake. Oil
and gas wells, rock quarries, even the added pressure of a reservoir lake behind a new dam can
cause the ground to rumble. But we do not know what pressure levels are safe, nor is it clear
whether man-made quakes are unique or just the early arrival of temblors that would have
occurred naturally. In the Lorca quake, the shaking itself was much stronger than might be
expected from the removed water pressure.

And so with this, we may be able to start earthquakes but we cannot predict their size as just
like what we can do to some renewable energy scam. If we could, we might be able to relieve
stress on schedule and without loss of property- or life.

Crown Capital Eco Management Renewable Energy Scam - Renewable energy would save EU trillions by 20500

The Commission by environmental campaigners forecast 3 trillion euros would generate by 
2050 on their green revolution campaign- to make EU energy almost totally carbon free.

The energy shift would already create around half a million extra jobs by 2020, Crown
researchersfrom German aerospace center DLR, which also specializes in energy and 
transport, found. It has legislated to ensure that 20 percent of the energy mix is green by the 
said year, as part of a set of three main environmental goals. But it has yet to achieve 
agreement on binding targets beyond 2020, even though non-binding roadmaps have laid out 
the need for a virtually carbon-free electricity mix by 2050.

Commissioned by Greenpeace and the European Renewable Energy Council (EREC), the 2012 
Energy evolution report lays out risk avoidance towards almost carbon-free energy. They 
include curbing energy demand through greater efficiency, increasing investment in wind and 
solar power and phasing out subsidies for carbon-intensive energy, such as coal.

To bring about the energy transformation, it sees a need to invest about 99 billion euros 
between now and 2050 or else this will be added on the list of renewable energy scam, but it 
says the financial gains are much greater. Renewable energy has no fuel costs; the fuel cost 
savings in the energy evolution scenario reach a total of 3, 010 billion euros up to 2050, or 75 
billion per year.

Another benefit is job-creation, one of their strides in fraud prevention. The Crown report finds 
almost totally green energy would lead to half a million extra jobs compared with business as 
usual, as renewable energy initially demands more workers than carrying on with fossil fuel.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Crown Capital Eco Management : Food fraud tackled by forensic scientists

Crown Capital Eco Management : Food fraud tackled by forensic scientists:

Wine, spirits, meat and even baby food can all be faked, with fraudsters hiding their true origins. Now forensic scientists are clamping down on food fraud, which costs millions in lost revenue and can put the health and safety of the public at risk.

Imagine tucking into a fine fillet of "British" beef, only to learn it actually came from Australia. Or drinking "French" wine that actually came from California.

What if the "Italian" olive oil you pour over the accompanying salad originated in Morocco?

That might not be so bad, you may think.

But what if a bottle of vodka you'd purchased in good faith is tainted with methanol, making it lethal to drink?

Or the baby food you feed your youngest is not what the label on the jar said it is?

As global trade has increased, so has the potential for food fraud, where fraudsters lie or hide the true provenance of produce.

Alongside food safety and health fears, its raises concerns over quality control, reputational damage and lost revenue, and puts the spotlight on illegal activity.

Now some firms are taking to using scientists, a type of food "crime scene investigators", to tackle the issue.

Faking it

In a world where food is exported and imported every day, how do you prove that the origin of a product is legitimate?

A company in New Zealand has developed a scientific origin system which maps and catalogues "food fingerprints".

"What we do needs to be able to stand up in court," says Dr Helen Darling, from Oritain.

Most food supply chains use predominantly paper-based systems to trace the origin of food, such as following barcodes.

But while these show the route a product has travelled and how, and "whatever kind of details you want to capture in that system", says Dr Darling, Oritain's proof of origin "cannot be faked".

Oritain's scientific liaison officer Rebecca McLeod says it ties food and drinks back to their geographic origin, by measuring the geochemical fingerprint of say, an apple, as well as the fingerprint of the soil it grew in, and that of the surrounding atmosphere.

"We look at the concentrations of a whole suite of different metal elements - present in the soil, and get introduced by things like fertilisers, and taken up by plants, and we can trace them to animals that eat plants as well.

Antonio Pasquale  in his vineyard
Antonio Pasquale is passionate about making sure 100% of his wine is from his winery

"The likelihood of two regions having exactly same soil type and fertilisers is very very slim," she says.

The firm also can analyse some manufactured products, in "batch profiling".

"Something like infant formula or wine produced in a factory incorporates lots of different ingredients. We can characterise each batch of that product, based on the geochemical signature," explains Ms McLeod.

Once the food or drink profile has been developed, it is recorded and safely stored.

"Once we've got that in place, it's a quick process to analyse a suspect sample that is sent to us. The idea is we do all of the groundwork before there's a problem," she explains.

Each product is given a unique number which can be displayed on packaging or stickers.

Dr Helen Darling says it enables quick comparisons to root out any goods that aren't "true to label".

"Whilst our logo itself can be counterfeited, any product with our label on it or our brand on it, we would have authentic data and an authentic archive sample of that product. If we don't, we know immediately that it's a counterfeit product - that in itself is a deterrent to people."

In the Czech republic last month, distilled alcohol was tainted with methanol, causing the deaths of 19 people. The government imposed prohibition as authorities tried to trace the origin of the poisonous alcohol (believed to be vodka), with great difficulty.

Would an origin system have made it easier?

The EU does have an agricultural product quality policy, which allows foods and drinks to be assigned a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) or Traditional Speciality Guaranteed (TSG) category.

But this only applies to certified products and would not have helped in the case of counterfeit alcohol.

However, Rebecca McLeod says Oritain's scientists could look at the isotopic content of the water in alcohol products, analyse it and come up with a fingerprint for spirits such as whisky and vodka.

This technique would only work pre-emptively.

She says while it hasn't analysed any top shelf spirits yet, it has catalogued wine for clients.

One of those is Antonio Pasquale, a winemaker based in north Otago, New Zealand.

He has become increasingly frustrated that wine produced in the country is allowed to be mixed with other vineyards' - laws there state if a label says the wine is from a particular grape variety, vintage or area, then at least 85% in the bottle must be from that variety, vintage or area.

Oritain scientists working with New Zealand bee keepers
Oritain scientists have been working with bee keepers to map honey origins
"The structure of the free market pushes all food companies to standardise the product year in and year out. The lack of differences is destroying the individuality," he explains.

"I had enough of this. They (Oritain) came and sampled two blocks of 40 acres... mapped the chemical structure of my paddocks, and from then on they had freedom to come to my winery and collect samples.
"So I have solid proof that all my wine, as I say it is, comes from my paddock."

In southeast Asia provenance is becoming more important, as "there are million and millions of bottles of falsified wine sold in China," says Mr Pasquale.

"Wine was sold there produced in California but with French wine labels," he says.

China is no stranger to food scandals. But consumers are demanding higher standards of certification and proof of origin after infant formula was sold tainted with melamine in the country.

It has a bad record, in many food areas, including asparagus.

For example, in China, the US and Peru asparagus breeders can be tempted to sell poor quality seed, which can reduce yields by 20-30-%.

Dr Peter Falloon, the managing director of asparagus breeders Aspara Pacific, says his company overcomes this by having the characteristic biochemical profile of his company's seed measured.

Collecting asparagus seeds
High and low grade asparagus seeds can be spotted in the field

That way "growers in developing countries can simply send a suspect sample of 20 seeds to be analysed to see if they match the breeders' stock, and find out for sure if they are buying the real deal."

It is a low-cost option and technological advancement for rural farmers in developing country, meeting one of the key objectives this year of the United Nations' World Food Day on 16 October, which is to promote the transfer of technologies to the developing world.

Honey is another easily faked food.

"Some honeys being sold around the world have had sugars added, there have been honeys supplied with traces of antibiotics in them and some honeys have not been 'true to label' (the pollen source has been different to what has been recorded on the label)," explains Peter Cox, the general manager for New Zealand Honey Specialties.

The company is also asking scientists to profile their produce, which includes single flower honeys such as thyme honey, and honey produced in the beech forests of the south Island, or the lakes in Central Otago.

"Getting from beehive to the palette, we have a real story around authenticity. Certainly it's a rigorous scientific process," he says.